Logo de la web granperico dedicada al R.C.D. Espanyol The authors
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Un Club Centenari!!!
A Centenary Club!!!
In the first quarter of year 2001
the web "granperico" was born
Pàge índex
Cesc Gabriel Vera

Cesc, Gabri, Mar and ... Vera
All of them were in Mestalla at 27th Maig 2000,
we went in the "espanyolista" train, and ...

the R.C.D. Espanyol won
the 2000 Spanish King's Cup
our Club became the CHAMPION !!!

En Cesc, en Gabri i la Mar
went go back to Mestalla at 31th Mars 2001, and ...

the R.C.D. Espanyol won again!

Valencia - R.C.D. Espanyol 0-1

Cesc: "¡Siempre adelante!"
Catalán, espanyolista y luchador como pocos
  Author: CESC
R.C.D. Espanyol Club member 9.934/2001
Solicitor Student

An sports young player:
 He plays
   soccer and

He is already a solicitor

Sin hacer mucho ruido ... ¡siempre nos da su apoyo!
Coauthor: GABRI
R.C.D. Espanyol Club member 8.040/2006
Engineer Student

He likes to play PC-Games and Console-Games
Sin hacer mucho ruido ... ¡siempre nos da su apoyo!
Gabri i Mar

A world citizen woman
Coautor: Mar
R.C.D. Espanyol Club member 8.039/2006
Espanyolista in all the world
Mar: she always tray to be positive never negative!!

VERA: The news photographer!
  Autora: Vera
R.C.D. Espanyol Club member 9.362/2001
Tourism student
The news photographer

"Los verdaderos pericos
respondemos como siempre
a las duras y a las maduras"
VERA: el corazón me dice que siempre querré a este club e iré con él a donde sea

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Web pages: 
Welcome | The Club | 2006 Champions | 2000 Champions | Supporters | The Authors
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